
Concrete pipe making machine

Main Features

  • Concrete pipe diameter from 200mm up to 1200mm
  • Concrete pipe height maximum: 1 meter
  • Installed power: 25 kW / 380 V
  • Simultaneously maximum: 15 kW
  • Semi-Automatic working mode / Automatic working mode


  • 300mm diameter = 150 concrete pipes
  • 400mm diameter = 150 concrete pipes
  • 500mm diameter = 120 concrete pipes
  • 600mm diameter = 90 concrete pipes
  • 800mm diameter = 60 concrete pipes
  • 1.000mm diameter = 50 concrete pipes
  • 1.200mm diameter = 40 concrete pipes

All capacities are calculated as maximum – 100% efficiency for 8 hours of operation. When calculating the real production capacities, it is necessary to take into account the actual efficiency factor, which is approximately 80%, due to other factors that can affect productivity, such as: concrete (recipe of concrete), effective work of workers (with breaks), delivery of concrete in vibropress, concrete product design, mold features, production pallet-pad features, settings on the vibropress.

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